Commentary: Raphael Warnock’s Loyalty Lies with Joe Biden, Not Georgians

by Jason Thompson


It has been over a year since Raphael Warnock was sworn in as one of Georgia’s senators. In that period, Warnock has proven to be more beneficial and useful to Joe Biden than to Georgians.

Since Warnock’s swearing-in, Georgians have experienced record-breaking inflationempty shelves due to an unmanaged supply chain crisis, a resurgence in record-setting COVID-19 cases, and a botched withdrawal in Afghanistan at the hands of Joe Biden.

Through all of this, Raphael Warnock has failed to hold Joe Biden accountable or work to resolve these crises.

Instead, Warnock has been laser-focused on eliminating the filibuster and jamming Democrats’ radical election takeover bills through the Senate, despite 68% of voters saying they want their elections handled at a local level.

It’s not unusual for Raphael Warnock to ignore Georgians in pursuit of his or Joe Biden’s radical agenda.

In 2021, as a result of false claims of voter suppression spread by Democrats like Warnock, Major League Baseball pulled the All-Star Game out of Georgia, costing $100 million in lost revenue.

Rather than fight for minority-owned businesses that were being adversely affected by MLB’s decision, Raphael Warnock continued to peddle the same false claims of voter suppression and said that he respected the players’ decision.

As pressure mounted on the state Warnock swore to represent, Warnock publicly announced support for a Department of Justice lawsuit filed against Georgia over the state’s new election integrity law, SB202.

Warnock was in a position where he could’ve fought for Georgians, but he instead not only chose not to lift a finger, but actively worked against Georgians.

Time and time again, Raphael Warnock has abdicated his responsibility as a senator and instead chosen to be a rubber stamp of approval for Joe Biden’s agenda and actions.

Look no further than Warnock’s support for Joe Biden’s radical and inflation-boosting “Build Back Broke” agenda.

Georgians are being crushed by out-of-control inflation, but rather than work to alleviate the pains of inflation, Raphael Warnock supported a multi-trillion tax and spending spree that economists stated would only prolong the inflation crisis.

Georgians deserve to have a senator that fights back against these radical plans, or at the very least, holds Joe Biden accountable for the multitude of crises being inflicted upon Americans.

When a supply chain crisis has Georgians crying out for help as they struggle to find baby formula at the grocery store, Raphael Warnock refuses to hold Joe Biden accountable.

When COVID-19 cases spiked during the winter holidays, Raphael Warnock refused to hold Joe Biden accountable for failing to order enough testing kits.

When Americans were being left stranded in Afghanistan because of Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal, Raphael Warnock remained silent before offering empty support for evacuations.

In a visit to Atlanta, Joe Biden said that “silence is complicity.”

It’s evident that Raphael Warnock’s silence and refusal to address the issues most affecting Georgians have made him complicit in the consequences of Joe Biden’s failed leadership.

It has been said that you cannot serve two masters and that couldn’t be more true.

Raphael Warnock is Joe Biden’s senator, not Georgia’s.

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Jason Thompson is a RNC National Committeeman.



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